
Odesk PHP Test

Ques:     Which composite data types are supported by php?

Ans:     Array

Ques:     The default value of register_globals in PHP is:

Ans:     Off

Ques:     Which of the following is not a valid PHP connection status?

Ans:     open

Ques:     Choose the correct statement:

Ans:      include() includes and evaluates a specific file

require_once() includes and evaluates a specific file only if it has not been included before

Ques:     If the session_cache_expire() is not set, then by default the session cache will expire after:

Ans:     3 hrs

Ques:     What will be the output of the following script?


function Argument()



echo $count;



Ans:     It will print 1

Ques:     What is true regarding this code?

Ans:     setcookie will return true

Ques:     Which of the following is not a correct way of printing text in php5?

Ans:     echo "Plain text";

Ques:     Which of the following is not the correct way of starting a session?

Ans:     session_initiate()

Ques:     Which of the following functions do you need to implement HTTP Basic Authentication?

Ans:     None of the above

Ques:     Which of the following Command Line Interface constant is not defined in the CLI SAPI?

Ans:     STDPRT

Ques:     Which of the following statements is correct with regard to final and abstract?

Ans:     a. An abstract class cannot have final methods

Ques:     State whether True or False  Paamayim Nekudotayim operator allows access only to the static members of a class?

Ans:     True

Ques:     Which of the following statements is true with regard to comparisons in PHP5?

Ans:     With (===) operator, object variables are identical if and only if they refer to the same instance of the same class.

Ques:     Which of the following built-in function assist in checking if actually the function exists or not?

Ans:     function_exists

Ques:     What will be the output of the following code?

$a = 0.0;

for ($i = 0; $i < a ="="">

Ans:     1

Ques:     What will be the output of the following code?





echo $i . " " . $j . " " . $k . " ";

Ans:     5 31 7.5

Ques:     Which of the following is a not a correct way of commenting in php?

Ans:     /#PHP Comment

Ques:     Following is a php code block:




$z=$n++/$m++ + --$z;

echo $z;

what will be the output?

Ans:     18

Ques:     Which of the following is the correct way of specifying default value?

Ans:     function GetDiscount($Type = "Special") { . . . }

Ques:     With reference to the following php script:

print 'Text Line1'

print 'Text Line2'


What will be the output on running the script?

Ans:     Error message will be printed

Ques:     What will be the ouput of the following code?

for ($i = 0; $i < i ="="">


Ques:     Late PHP versions support remote file accessing for the functions:

Ans:     include_once()


both of them

Ques:     You have designed a user login form as follows:

User Name:  


How can you access the username entered by the user in the 'Validate.php' webpage?

a. $var= $_POST['username'];

b. $var= $_REQUEST['username'];

c. import_request_variables('p', 'p_');

$var= $p_username;

Ans:      Both of them

Ques:     Which of the following does not represent logical AND operator in PHP?

Ans:     &amp

Ques:     Which of the following is not true for a persistent connection?

Ans:     These can't be converted to non-persistent connections

Ques:     Which of the following are invalid data types in PHP?

Ans:     char

Ques:     The Manager and Office classes are as follows:

class Manager{

function printName() {

echo "Manager";



class Office{

function getManager() {

return new Manager();



$ofc = new Office();



Which of the following should replace '???' to obtain the value of printName() function?

Ans:     $ofc->getManager()->printName();

Ques:     The classes are defined as follows:abstract class BaseCls{

protected abstract function getName();


class ChildCls extends BaseCls{


Which of the following implementations of getName() is invalid in ChildCls?

Ans:     public function getName(){}

Ques:     Which of the following variable declarations within a class is invalid in PHP5?

Ans:     var $term =3;

Ques:     What will be the output of following code?

$arr = "a";


echo $arr;

echo $arr[0];

Ans:     bb

Ques:     For the following code:

the output will be:

Ans:     171

Ques:     What is the result of the following expression?

Ans:     5+2 * 4+6

Ques:     What will be the output of following code?

$var = 1 + "-1.3e3";

echo $var;

Ans:     -1299

Ques:     What will be the output of following code?



echo "$var1 $a";

Ans:     a b

Ques:    What is the output of the following code?

$a = 500;

$b = 200;

echo $a % 2

* $b;

Ans:     0

Ques:     What will be the ouput of the following code?

if (-1)

print "true";


print "false";
Ans:     true

Ques:     What will be the output of the following code?

echo 126;

Ans:     126

Ques:     Consider the following sample code:

$x = 0xFFFE;

$y = 2;

$z = $x && $y;

What will be the value of $z?

Ans:     1 

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